All Baby Formula Products

Out of care for young tummies, we have dedicated over a century to crafting our formula with expertise and love in the heart of the Netherlands. Our stringent quality standards guarantee that every essential component is included in VitSky Baby Formula, while anything unnecessary is kept out.

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Types of formula

Formula milk is typically derived from cows’ milk that has been processed to be more appropriate for infants. There are two main types of formula: a dry powder that needs to be mixed with water, and a ready-to-feed liquid formula. Although the ready-to-feed liquid formula is convenient, it is usually pricier and should be consumed more quickly once opened.

First infant formula (Baby Formula HA 1 and Pepti 1):

→ First infant formula is suitable from birth.

→ First infant formula (first milk) should always be the first formula you give to your baby.

The cow’s milk in formula consists of two protein types – whey and casein. Initially, first infant formula relies on whey protein, known to be more easily digestible compared to other formula types. You can continue using it as you begin introducing solid foods to your baby around 6 months old, and they can consume it throughout their first year.

Anti-reflux formula (Baby Formula Pepti Junior):

→ Anti-reflux formula is suitable from birth but only under medical supervision.

→ This type of formula is thickened with the aim of preventing reflux in babies (when babies bring up milk during or after a feed).

When preparing anti-reflux formulas, the instructions may differ from those for standard formulas. Typically, when preparing baby formula, it is advised to use boiled water that has cooled for no longer than 30 minutes to ensure the temperature remains above 70°C.

Comfort formula (Baby Formula Comfort):

→ Comfort formula is suitable from birth but consult your baby’s doctor.

This formula includes cow’s milk proteins that have been partially broken down (partially hydrolyzed), aiming to enhance digestion and prevent issues like colic and constipation.

­ Partially hydrolyzed formula (comfort formula) is not suitable for babies who have cows’ milk allergy.

Hypoallergenic Formula (Baby Formula HA 2):

→ Hypoallergenic Formula is suitable from birth but only under medical supervision.

If your infant is found to have a cow’s milk allergy, a general practitioner will recommend a suitable hypoallergenic infant formula containing fully hydrolyzed (broken down) proteins.

Growing-up Formula (Baby Formula Pepti 2 | Pepti Junior | HA 2 | Comfort):

→ Growing-up milk is suitable from 6 month and so on, but ask a health visitor for advice first.

Whole cow’s milk is an appropriate primary beverage for your child starting at 6 months old. Semi-skimmed cow’s milk is a suitable main drink for children over 1 year old who are consuming a balanced diet.

VitSky Baby Formula- products ®

The appropriate product for your baby

It is important to note that no single brand of infant formula is universally optimal for all infants. When selecting an infant formula, it is crucial to opt for a product specifically designed for babies. The commercial infant formula market in the United States is closely monitored by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to ensure compliance with essential nutritional and safety standards. Notably, iron-fortified formulas are commonly recommended, with the majority of formulas available in the US containing added iron.


When making a choice regarding infant formula, consider the following guidelines:

Confirm the formula has not expired.

Verify the container is securely sealed and undamaged. If there are signs of leakage, bulging, or rust, refrain from using it for your baby.

Ensure the formula is intended for infants and not labeled for toddlers.


Consult your child’s healthcare provider if you have inquiries regarding the selection of an infant formula for your baby or are contemplating a switch to a different brand or type of formula.